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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2024 in all areas

  1. Good afternoon... 2nd half of April was challenging... Our Sales were close to last year but not enough. We were short 9%... We're doing google ads and that works for us.. Again, we're a Specialty shop, We're a brakes & front end shop big challenges for this year. We have to keep in mind, we're in a Presidential year. It has been my experience that in this type of year Sales are more of a Challenge. Also every things is very expensive, as consumers, we don't have the buying power, which creates a big problem for the consumer.. I am really good about finding solutions to the problems but at this point my view is very cloudy and gray, which makes it very difficult to have a clear view. We live in an area where there are several small town within our town and we advertise in the surrounding areas. I am going to consider to reduced our advertising area to just within town and see what results throws this approach Thanks JP
    2 points
  2. As a business coach (former shop owner) I see that many areas around the country are having a slow down in business. However, a lot can be done. Focus on your existing customers. Make sure that all deferred and declined work is followed up and reminders sent out. Regarding your advertising, local is always better. Just don't cut your advertising too much. Perhaps the most important factor is to have a positive open mindset. Look for ways to improve, discuss with your team. Don't sit on your hands and say nothing can be done. With the right approach, things will improve. Good luck!
    1 point
  3. I'm really impressed with Hireology.com A very good intro is a 1-hour video at https://youtu.be/2ZF1XWH94xc A 10-page .pdf is at
    1 point
  4. Our program shows recommendations when we make an appointment.
    1 point
  5. Good morning. February was a record month. The Service writer kept saying February stinks, had to eat his words. March we are full for the day and after, but don't have the long term waiting appointments. Still a good month. We send out rebate letters in 3 mailings Feb, Mar and April. That helps us ins the winter months easing into summer .
    1 point
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