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The Weekly Blitz is brought to you by our friends over at Shop Marketing Pros. If you want to take your shop to the next level, you need great marketing. Shop Marketing Pros does top-tier marketing for top-tier shops.
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In this podcast episode, Coach Chris Cotton from Auto Fix Auto Shop Coaching hosts a conversation with Coach Al and Kevin, a service manager, about the importance of team culture in an auto repair shop. They share their experiences with team-building activities like axe throwing, camping trips, and Christmas parties, emphasizing how these events enhance employee relationships and work dynamics. The discussion also covers their thoughtful approach to hiring and the necessity of appreciating staff. Coach Chris admires their methods and reflects on the value of investing in employees, while Coach Al highlights the inclusion of these practices in their hiring process to attract and retain a committed workforce.
Culture and team building exercises (00:01:00) Discussion about the importance of culture and team building exercises in the auto repair shop industry.
Creating a positive culture (00:02:50) Description of the strong chemistry and positive culture in the shop, emphasizing the importance of mutual support and camaraderie among the employees.
Hiring process and culture fit (00:03:54) Insights into the hiring process, including assessing candidates for their skills and cultural fit through interviews and observations.
Annual Christmas party and other events (00:06:02) Details about the annual Christmas party and other team-building events organized throughout the year, such as axe throwing and other outings.
Christmas party preparations and employee appreciation (00:08:00) Discussion about the process of selecting personalized gifts for employees, the budgeting for the party, and the significance of showing employee appreciation.
Appreciating employees through events (00:11:15) Explanation of the financial investment in employee appreciation events, such as the Christmas party, as a reflection of the shop's commitment to valuing and retaining great employees.
Camping trip tradition (00:16:24) Origins and evolution of the annual camping trip, including the planning process, activities, and the inclusive nature of the event for employees and their families.
Inclusive camping trip and its cost (00:19:07) Inclusion of employees' families in the camping trip and an overview of the costs associated with organizing the event.
Maintaining order during the camping trip (00:20:32) Anecdote about managing noise levels and potential disruptions during the camping trip, highlighting the challenges of organizing a large group event in a campground setting.
Camping Trip Planning (00:21:57) Discussion on the timing and survey process for the annual camping trip organized for employees.
Employee Bonding (00:23:50) Kevin emphasizes the positive impact of team-building events on employee relationships and work dynamics.
Investing in Employees (00:25:27) The importance of investing in employees and showing appreciation for their efforts is highlighted.
Recruitment Strategy (00:26:05) Incorporating team-building events into recruitment discussions to emphasize employee appreciation and engagement.
Connect with Chris:
[email protected]
Phone: 940.400.1008
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Im a newbie so I started after the revolution of the industry. I will say there extremely valuable information available on forums and services such as these. Many times its not just whats wrong it includes information to prevent reoccurrence or discussions that open the door for manufacturer dialog and solutions. These are conversations that would have gone unheard 10-15 years ago. I also see that it can be a tremendous problem if not handled by shop managment. Iatn somewhat governs itself a bit, I feel that post with inadequate test results or the "tell me what it is, I'm to lazy to look " dialog gets less response and a poor score. If the tech cant troubleshoot he or she will provide less than satisfactory results when it comes to fixing it right the first time. A company that would produce independently written troubleshooting charts in checklist form (available from sources like alldata) would give managment some form of verification. If the sheet isn't completed with specs retreived from the diagnosis, the supervisor can look into it. I think if we're going to continue to moving towards information services like this there must be some accountability on the techs part.
After saying all that, services like this will eventually be required. With all the new models and new technology and lower book hours, technician abilities will soon be maxed out Imo.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
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5 Star Auto Spa
We currently are signed up for IATN but not Identifix. How different is Identifix compared to IATN?
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I got rid of my IATN and went only with Identifix. The best month I spend every month. There is no way to keep up on all the changes and if you have any questions someone a lot of times has already solved the problem. Example, had a GM car with the pass side seat air bag code. A bunch of responses said to check the plug under the seat for something specific. Solved problem. Would have taken me hours to figure that one out. Identifix is one of the first steps in our diagnostic tree and to have access to the actual factory wiring diagrams and factory manuals is worth every penny.
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It should be noted that Identifix started decades ago as a dial-in number on a charge-per-call basis. Then, they slowly moved over to the online arena, using their years of compiled phone call database as a launchpad. They still offer the phone service; I have never used it.
Techs have always needed more than what's in their own personal brains. Even the best, most highly capable techs will still be caught saying, "Hold on, let me call my buddy ... he works at the VW dealership" or "Let's call my friend that runs that tranny shop down the road." Those phone calls are an informal version of what Identifix has made a business doing.
Does this dumb down the techs? Maybe. However, I would much rather my tech be "dumb" and get a weird wire short solved in ten minutes over an "intelligent" tech that spent four hours chasing wiring diagrams and relays. When your tech is able to do both, you have an all star.
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Here is a summary of both:
IATN: Great for posting a question and getting quick answers. Not so great for searching for problems that have been solved already.
Identifix: Great for searching for already solved issues, with a probability number next to each possible solution. Not so great at looking up a very specific problem that nobody has encountered before. Although, they do offer a help line for this ... I think it's $25 a call.
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I have to disagree with you Wes. I don't think IATN nor Identifix "dumbs" down our techs. In the independent market, techs are expected to understand the systems of multiple cars and mutiple car lines. We have to be the master of everything. I think IATN and Identifix are a wonderful ADDITION, to our already wonderful knowledge and expertise. Where a technician falls short, he has a resource on hand to use for additional diagnostic tree steps. I do feel if you don't know where to even begin with a code, there is an experience/training issue. You should atleast be able to check the basics before checking your resources. Anyone ever had a tech come back after hours and say he found the problem? A blown fuse.........
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