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2009 jeep commander oxygen senors

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Re-Check Grounds again, do a proper volt drop to determine if ok.


If Grounds ok, Replace PCM. PCM's are know to fail in these models.


If you need the Factory Tool to do the programming check us out... www.OEScanTools.com



Some very cool things about to happen with this Tool!


Thanks and good luck.

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What service info do you have? I'd be looking at a wiring diagram first. I find it hard to think all 4 sensors are out.


When you say you have no power, you mean at the heater or signal?


Jeeps do have a rather high ECM failure rate, but I would be doing some diagram hunting before I replaced it.

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X2! I worked on a Durango recently that the customer had elsewhere, the other shop claimed they needed a entire engine harness to fix the issue, but only the O2 wiring had touched the exhaust. After repairing their gobbled up wiring repair I still couldn't get 12v to the heaters. After looking at the diagrams provided with the O2 sensor page I couldn't figure out why I didn't have power. After backing up and looking at the PDC diagrams I found a fuse that wasn't shown in the sensor wiring diagrams and the vehicle was missing the PDC cover. Moral of the story is sometimes you've got to do some digging in the diagrams to find the whole picture!


Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk


Edited by ncautoshop
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