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The Weekly Blitz is brought to you by our friends over at Shop Marketing Pros. If you want to take your shop to the next level, you need great marketing. Shop Marketing Pros does top-tier marketing for top-tier shops.
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In this podcast episode, Coach Chris Cotton from Auto Fix Auto Shop Coaching hosts a conversation with Coach Al and Kevin, a service manager, about the importance of team culture in an auto repair shop. They share their experiences with team-building activities like axe throwing, camping trips, and Christmas parties, emphasizing how these events enhance employee relationships and work dynamics. The discussion also covers their thoughtful approach to hiring and the necessity of appreciating staff. Coach Chris admires their methods and reflects on the value of investing in employees, while Coach Al highlights the inclusion of these practices in their hiring process to attract and retain a committed workforce.
Culture and team building exercises (00:01:00) Discussion about the importance of culture and team building exercises in the auto repair shop industry.
Creating a positive culture (00:02:50) Description of the strong chemistry and positive culture in the shop, emphasizing the importance of mutual support and camaraderie among the employees.
Hiring process and culture fit (00:03:54) Insights into the hiring process, including assessing candidates for their skills and cultural fit through interviews and observations.
Annual Christmas party and other events (00:06:02) Details about the annual Christmas party and other team-building events organized throughout the year, such as axe throwing and other outings.
Christmas party preparations and employee appreciation (00:08:00) Discussion about the process of selecting personalized gifts for employees, the budgeting for the party, and the significance of showing employee appreciation.
Appreciating employees through events (00:11:15) Explanation of the financial investment in employee appreciation events, such as the Christmas party, as a reflection of the shop's commitment to valuing and retaining great employees.
Camping trip tradition (00:16:24) Origins and evolution of the annual camping trip, including the planning process, activities, and the inclusive nature of the event for employees and their families.
Inclusive camping trip and its cost (00:19:07) Inclusion of employees' families in the camping trip and an overview of the costs associated with organizing the event.
Maintaining order during the camping trip (00:20:32) Anecdote about managing noise levels and potential disruptions during the camping trip, highlighting the challenges of organizing a large group event in a campground setting.
Camping Trip Planning (00:21:57) Discussion on the timing and survey process for the annual camping trip organized for employees.
Employee Bonding (00:23:50) Kevin emphasizes the positive impact of team-building events on employee relationships and work dynamics.
Investing in Employees (00:25:27) The importance of investing in employees and showing appreciation for their efforts is highlighted.
Recruitment Strategy (00:26:05) Incorporating team-building events into recruitment discussions to emphasize employee appreciation and engagement.
Connect with Chris:
[email protected]
Phone: 940.400.1008
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Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
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As my service manager likes to say, just because someone is "car ignorant" doesn't mean they're ignorant. However, when they bring that touch of arrogance to the party, look out!
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Not trying to jack this thread, but I was wondering what you guys do if someone asks for a ballpark figure. I don't quote prices over the phone at all, except for oil change range. So when they ask for a price I'll let them know that it could be one of many things and so we never know what exactly it is until we see it, etc... However, lately a few people has been asking me for "ballpark figures." Like, "but if it is an alternator (or anything else that autozone said it could be), what is a ballpark figure?" I'm not really sure how to answer that. Any help would be appreciated.
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Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
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All the time man. It's like social media and technology have made people walking, breathing, hollow shells. You don't know how many times I go through the detail of explaining something on a car, and the person is just looking at me blankly, like I'm speaking a foreign language. That's why I brought help onboard, because my mind is technical, and while I'm a very sociable, outgoing person, I struggle to "dumb down" if you will, things for ppl. Things that in my opinion don't need any dumbing down.
What is so hard about understanding that a TPMS has a built in battery that will eventually die? Yet people just can't seem to grasp that. My associate wrote service at the dealership for years. he has this knack of just getting through to people. Sometimes I watch him and laugh because the way he talks to some people, its like he is literally telling them. Look I know you're stupid, let me take care of you. lol
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OH boy does this stuff drive me crazy
Phone call goes like this:
THEM: I need a state inspection
ME: when can you bring it in?
THEM: when can you do it?
ME: its easier if YOU tell me what day you can get here, then I put you on the schedule, any day is open.
THEM: what day is available?
ME: any day for an inspection, that's why I asked what day is good for you.
THEM: well let me look on my calendar....................................................wait, wait, wait......................
ME: (thinking to myself) - you called for a job, why did you not look when you could get your car into the shop first!
THEM: so I'm out of town next week, (which happens to be the end of the month).
THEM: the state inspection will be expired when I will return.
ME: thinking - it sucks to be you, plan ahead next time & do I want you as a customer?
ME: so when can you bring the car in?
THEM: I need it today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ME: ah, its 3:30 pm now, I do not have any time left today, sorry.
THEM: Oh I will keep calling around.
ME: good luck, maybe we can help you out next time if you plan ahead but not today!
THEM: thanks
ME: after hanging up. WHY DO I DO THIS???????????????????????
why are other peoples lives so XXed up??
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John Pearson
CUST. I need my snow tires changed
I have an appointment in an hour does that work
Cust. NO
Are you available tomorrow I can squeeze you in at any time but do need an appointment.
Cust. NO
Okay when are you available?
Cust. Im going to have to call you back im just to busy.
Your not the only one dave.
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Lol! Don't worry when its snowing that guy will be at your door in emergency mode.
The inspection emergencies are a joke. People make appointments either the last day of the month or the 1st if they are really cheap. Squeeze an extra day out of the $21 annual fee. I did the math, if they squeeze an extra day every year they will save $21 after 12 years if they keep their car that long, but they risk getting a $300 fine 12 times. Risk $300 to save $1.75. Poor odds. Additionally if the car fails with an expired sticker it gets scraped off, now their odds of getting a ticket are around 100%. And guess who is responsible when they are going to get a ticket? The scumbag mechanics, the a-hole inspector, or the shop owner!
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This is a hilarious topic. We deal with this from time to time but one thing that has been SUCH A GREAT TOOL is our Appt Request Form on our website. My bf was hesitant and was like "Are people really going to wanna fill it out" me, some people prefer talking over the phone but in this digital age, a lot of people actually like email.
On our FB page, I set up the Call to Action button as a "Book Now" button which, when pressed, takes them straight to our website request appt form. So far, we get about 4-6 new entries a day. That's 4-6 phone calls that didnt have to distract us from other work....and now, we have their email and phone number stored in our emails so we dont have to write it down or look at the caller ID to find the number again. And also, the form gives us time to come up with the numbers, look at our schedule (lets customers pick their preferred days and times, etc. We LOVE it.
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