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Hello everyone, first post here,

I'm in the process of opening an actual shop, i've been a mobile mechanic for 10 years. I specialize in hybrid and electric vehicles. I've been searching prices on fluid exchanger machines, lifts and other pricey equipment. I've been looking at some really cheap Chinese equipment on ebay, i'm just wondering if anyone here has successfully used any of this equipment. It's tempting but I know the old "you get what you pay for" mantra. They got lifts for $1,600 and ATF fluid exchangers for $335. Might be worth trying the fluid exchanger on some of my own vehicles for that price. I appreciate any input, thank you!

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I bought a Launch tire balancer a few years ago. Absolute junk. The dealer that I met at the trade show quit being a dealer for them right after I bought it. Hell, maybe before and he was just trying to unload it.

Long story short, it broke 3 months later, and the dealer wouldn't come look at it even though he promised he would time and time again. Launch kept telling me it was the dealer's responsibility to service it. After a solid year of fighting with Launch (and buying a replacement balancer) I finally got them to send me a scanner of equal value to replace it.

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Here's how I think about it...would you put cheap Chinese parts on a customer's car?  No.  You install quality parts because they are better for the customer.  Same here.  Quality equipment doesn't break as frequently, is faster to fix when it does break and often is faster and easier to use due to its superior engineering.  You are not just buying equipment.  You are buying reliability, service and functionality.  How much reliability do you want?  Well, it's going to cost more for more reliability.  Hope that helps!  I know it's served me well thinking about it that way.

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Thank you all for your input! It confirms what I already knew to be true. It's just surprising when you look on ebay that they're selling quite a few of these (a few hundred) which got me thinking, who's actually using this stuff? I'm trying to partner with an existing shop so hopefully I won't need to buy any of these machines, just pay a monthly fee for shop use. If things go good i'll have my own shop eventually and at that point i'm going to buy used american machines. I will say however that the Sunex impact sockets I got have been working great, they're from Taiwan and are basically a step up from harbour freight tools. I agree to avoid things with moving parts because they are built with cheap plastic.

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I've managed a team in mainland China for a number of years.  The Communist culture encourages cheating, especially if it furthers their personal position.   Unlike here, cheating is a proud accomplishment that you brag to your friends while at your local bar - to cheat and not get caught or have it matter.  I also had Chinese working for me locally that "escaped" and they would tell horror stories and certainly knew who not to trust.   They were my cheapest cost center, yet my most ineffective producers (oddly, they had terrific made-up status reports).  Lack of production made them the most expensive in the end.  We tend to think that quality issues are by mistake, but in fact, these are often by design.   There's a huge difference between a Chinese Design and a Reputable Design (NA, Europe, etc).   (Also, don't equate Taiwan to  mainland China.   They are both Chinese, but have different value sets.  Taiwan has a better reputation and pretty much hates China).

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In general don't by Chinese crap. Just like bantar said, its cultural. They are unscrupulous capitalists and care nothing about the product or the end user just as long as they can make money. I can make these comments because they are my people.


Some stuff is OK to use but you have to be very particular. I would also not recommend Chinese lifts. They may work fine but service and replacement parts can be problematic. 

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  • 2 months later...

I bought a new Chinese tranny jack because my 30 year old one was finally worn out. Amazon reviews were amazing, but the jack is total garbage in real life. It's really good for nothing, maybe hanging rags on it. So my new jack is costing me $2200 instead of $2000. because I spent $200 on a piece of scrap metal. 

I'm not standing under a budget lift. Too much risk. Chinese Firecrackers? Yes, tools, No. 

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" data-webShareUrl="https://www.autoshopowner.com/forums/topic/13436-cheap-chinese-equipment/?do=findComment&comment=37054">More sharing options...

Yes, lots of good info here, thank you all again! Found a shop that was not being utilized by the owner, his head mechanic quit and he's got a lawn company so he was using the facility for storage and repair of his equipment, so it's a really good fit for both of us and he's already got lifts and a bunch of other equipment, all American made. 

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  • 2 months later...

I am in agreement with most of you on this site when it comes to s Chinese products but I guess you can call me lucky on this Wheel Aligner purchase. I bought a 4 Camera imagining Aligner from a company called Pinnacle Automotive Systems. I have had this Aligner coming up on 4 years and it is bullet proof and very fast. I did do my research on this one and the same Hunter would have cost me double. I’m okay with that but I can’t charge my customer double and it takes that much longer to pay for it. 

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      I recently spoke with a friend of mine who owns a large general repair shop in the Midwest. His father founded the business in 1975. He was telling me that although he’s busy, he’s also very frustrated. When I probed him more about his frustrations, he said that it’s hard to find qualified technicians. My friend employs four technicians and is looking to hire two more. I then asked him, “How long does a technician last working for you.” He looked puzzled and replied, “I never really thought about that, but I can tell that except for one tech, most technicians don’t last working for me longer than a few years.”
      Judging from personal experience as a shop owner and from what I know about the auto repair industry, I can tell you that other than a few exceptions, the turnover rate for technicians in our industry is too high. This makes me think, do we have a technician shortage or a retention problem? Have we done the best we can over the decades to provide great pay plans, benefits packages, great work environments, and the right culture to ensure that the techs we have stay with us?
      Finding and hiring qualified automotive technicians is not a new phenomenon. This problem has been around for as long as I can remember. While we do need to attract people to our industry and provide the necessary training and mentorship, we also need to focus on retention. Having a revolving door and needing to hire techs every few years or so costs your company money. Big money! And that revolving door may be a sign of an even bigger issue: poor leadership, and poor employee management skills.
      Here’s one more thing to consider, for the most part, technicians don’t leave one job to start a new career, they leave one shop as a technician to become a technician at another shop. The reasons why they leave can be debated, but there is one fact that we cannot deny, people don’t quit the company they work for, they usually leave because of the boss or manager they work for.
      Put yourselves in the shoes of your employees. Do you have a workplace that communicates, “We appreciate you and want you to stay!”
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