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In this podcast episode, Chris Cotton from Auto Fix Auto Shop Coaching addresses the negative impact of phone trees on customer service in auto repair shops. He emphasizes the importance of the human touch and shares his frustration with complex phone systems that deter customers. Chris offers practical advice for revamping phone systems, such as auditing current setups, matching staffing to call volume, and soliciting customer feedback. He advocates for a balance between technology and personal interaction, stressing that each call is an opportunity to showcase excellent service and stand out from competitors. Chris concludes by inviting listeners to contribute to the conversation on maintaining a personal touch in customer service.
The importance of human touch in customer service (00:01:05) Chris discusses the negative impact of phone trees on customer service and the need for a human touch.
The drawbacks of using phone trees (00:02:07) Chris explains how phone trees can frustrate customers and lead to missed opportunities.
The value of personal interaction in customer service (00:05:21) Chris emphasizes the importance of human connection and empathy in the customer service experience.
Balancing automation and human interaction (00:07:31) Chris discusses the need to strike a balance between technology and human interaction in the auto repair business.
Practical tips for revamping phone systems (00:09:33) Chris provides practical suggestions for improving phone systems to better serve customers and enhance the overall customer service experience.
Connect with Chris:
[email protected]
Phone: 940.400.1008
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Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
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Our oil changes are competitively priced, and we use a nice color check sheet that is quite comprehensive. My customers have come to expect this sheet and I sell a TON of additional work off them. Even if I don't make a sale that day, the majority of my regular customers return with sheet in hand to get at least some of the recommended services performed. They were received poorly by my techs at first, after all, the check over takes time, but when the work started rolling back in, they changed their tune. As I stated, there were some growing pains, and we do get some bottom feeders, but the returns have far outstripped the headaches.
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We are not big on doing the oil changes but that is where we can check out the veh.while on the rack and we are not big on the up sell but we do recommend what needs to be done and short comings. On that note it does get us some extra work without being to much pressure sales.
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This is excellent. Agree 100%. No discounts, just an added service and a chance to look at the suspension.
We did a $10 oil change when we opened shop. It really got the momentum going at our location. However, it really, really, really brought in the wrong kind of customer. We sold very little work on these oil changes, and the customer interactions were typically unpleasant. "Just gimme my oil change and hurry up wit it."
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Add Services like xrac said is great. Always COMPLIMENTARY never FREE. You must be competitive with your oil change pricing however advertise making it much much more than and oil change. I would go as far as to call it a "Minor Service" or an "Oil Service" opposed to Oil Change. Do everything you can to differentiate what you are doing from the quicklubes. Yes they are still getting an oil change however they are getting a Complimentary Multi Point inspection (sell the value and benefits of this) and if you want throw in that tire rotation or whatever else you feel is appropriate. Enhanced Oil Service!
I've experienced the same. Techs need to know what the game plan is and they need to buy in. Just like a sports team you could have all star players but if they aren't in line with your plays you'll have a disaster on your hands. If you pay your technicians flat rate, think about paying them a nice rate for an oil change. Yes you will lose money but thats what oil changes are they are a loss leader. Make it a culture of inspections on every car every time. If the technicians understand the importance of a GREAT inspection for upselling work then they will perform a thorough inspection AND they are getting paid for it!
Upselling is a necessity in our business. We have to remember to not put a negative spin on "selling" the customer. As long as you have the right ethics and are recommending needed work then you are doing the right thing. We also have to remember that we are in the industry therefore something we feel is OK for us to drive with say for instance a camber worn tire, loose suspension components, leaky hoses etc is absolutely not safe for our wives, mothers, and children to drive around in.
I have sinced moved away from getting in the wrong customer however when I catch them on the phone or they come into the shop I cringe lol
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