We use kukui. They do the Seo, website, reviews, Facebook, appointments and they mow my lawn (kidding)
It costs me 800 a month and it seems like I break even with the new customers and the costs. I expect to retain those customers since we're awesome so I try to justify the cost that way. Sometimes I wonder if marketing is more about marketing to the business by the company than it is to potential customers. I feel like theres alot of truth about internet marketing but also alot of hype. They make it sound like a switch will flip and bang. You're overwhelmed with great clients. That doesnt happen.
I Iike kukui alot and I'm not putting them down but I still think the best advertising is old fashioned word of mouth from a job well done by people who give a poop.
I've also noticed that some shops go full out on advertising and every time they either do that to pump their numbers to sell their business or they go under. I've never one single time in my area seen a shops name all over the place and stay in business for another 5 years.
Another thing that's hard to quantify is that after kukui redesigned our site and made it more professional and helpful that my existing customers had an oh wow reaction and something about that reminded me of an article about perceived value by Mitch Schneider who I'm not sure I could have existed this long (30 years) without. That perceived value seems to validate our existing customers opinion of us and allows us to charge as a premium business rather than compete with a discount chain.
A few extra dollars will be forgotten but a crappy cheap job will always be remembered.
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Jay Huh
I use hostgator for webhosting service and have like 10 different websites on there. I just use wordpress and made my own site. It's convenient when I'm in control as I can make changes on the fly. I think I pay $150/yr for the hosting part (remember I host 10 other websites too) and pay $12.99/yr for the domain name.
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So you have a domain name that redirects to the corporate site where they have a location based page for you it looks like. Cool.
That's good that you have the time to manage it and I agree that you can then just edit as need. Wordpress is so widely used and does a good job. There are many website companies that use Wordpress and just customize it, add SEO plugins and such. Thanks for sharing.
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For anyone getting additional services with their website, is it paying off? What marketing services do you feel are providing the most ROI for you?
What do you feel may be missing as a service? Would you recommend what you are getting now (Feel free to plug the company if you like)?
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We use Squarespace! Easy to manage, beautiful templates and easy to customize. I like to manage it myself because I have very particular taste, plus we have a very active blog. But that said, I probably am not using it to its potential in terms of SEO (still have to learn). We pay $26/mo for their basic commerce plan, which is $8 more than their basic business plan. We get tons of compliments.
I am a strong believer in building a strong brand, and that includes first and foremost an amazing logo and a beautiful website. People will follow you if everything you put out there just looks amazing.
Our Website
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Something that would be interesting is to have all this information correlated with shop revenue. IE, are there shops out there doing $1 million+/year that are doing their online marketing on their own?
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@meowpox I checked out your website and it looks very clean. Your front page has no information about your business at all. Do you ever get customer asking what you do? Looks like you sell merchandise, do you fix cars also?
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