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Technician Training


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Need a little help guys. I have 2 younger employees that I want to get into some scanner training , A/C trainingg ,Etc. One guy is 24 another is 34, they need to be polished up. They are invested in the business, buying tools, doing the local training stuff , doing there ASE stuff. they want to learn. I guessed they have passed the test for me. I really think I may need to get them polished up, keep there mind busy. Where should I look for training or is the Snap on , Napa stuff the way to go. Is there online training or schools I should consider. These guys are tech's . One has potential to come inside eventually . I am in unchartered waters here. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks David

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If they want to get better at understanding looking at data and pids on scanners have them start watching " Scanner Danner" on youtube. He primarily uses snap on scanners ( not my favorite, but useful) but more importantly he explains what your looking at and the theory behind it.


It's free, he's a teacher and goes into the theory on it, and touches on scopes and the importance of them. Highly recommend. I learned a lot and I'm a CMAT W/ factory training for Ford and Toyota.

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  • 4 months later...

The basics they should have learned at tech school, so assuming that identifix is our best teacher. Have the guys scan the code, then go on identifix. Identifix will show them what pids to look at and what's good or bad. That's proven the best for us, and I've been to a ton of seminars.


As a rule I offer training every year, we go to whatever the parts stores offer. Most offer something.

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