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Credit Card Fraud " Beware of This"

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First time in 40 years I got my 1st credit card fraud case. Guy calls my assistant wanted tire price, he gives price, guy says you take CC over the phone, company is paying for tires , I know almost all my customers, guy calls back wants tires , my assistant ask a few questions they cut a deal. Ok here is where I would have got suspicious. 1- guy wants a odd size tire 2- the guy that comes to pick up is not the name of the guy he said was coming. 3- The guy carries the tires out. Ding, Ding, Ding. This assistant has been with me for 17 years, great guy, did not get all the info on CC although he got the 3 digit code. This had warning bells all over it to me. The card goes through , no big deal. Now month later we get charge back. I call my CC provider . I am screwed. A few bad make it worse for all the good people, now my shop no longer take CC over the phone , period. You know I guess the handshake days is over,sad times in America. You know I have a great database of consumers, shoot, I have probably 50 CC on file that pay as we repair. I will continue with that although the walk of the street guy unless a referral is stopping. This world has a lot of crooked people in it. "GUYS BEWARE"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to hear about this. Actually, it's not a new scam. I know shops who have been scammed the same way. But you're right... maintaining cards or dealing with current customers you know shouldn't be a problem. Everyone else pays cash.


Hope this help!


Matthew Lee

"The Car Count Fixer"

Edited by JustTheBest
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