Price shoppers are never going to go away because...
As an industry, we have trained customers to be price shoppers with the coupons
and promotions we send out in the mail and post on the websites.
This method of marketing has taught customers to believe that pricing is important.
The problem is customers don't know the difference between menu pricing and
something that requires a diagnosis.
So, they believe they can just call you up and you can pull a price off a menu.
When the phone rings, that's your starting point with almost all callers.
The Auto Care Association published a startling report, which revealed that
1 out of every 3 customers are doing research and/or getting a second
opinion after receiving a diagnostic about their vehicle.
That number goes up to 1 out of every 2 customers, when the vehicle
owner is between the ages of 18-44 years.
The bottom-line is your people have to become proficient at two things:
1) Being able to convert those price shoppers into appointments. And
equally important...
2) Making sure your people have a selling system that removes 100% of
the customer's doubts that your recommendations are legitimate, your
pricing is fair and your shop is the obvious choice to do the work.
Mark Cuban recently said, "You have to re-earn your customer's business
every day." This is definitely true in the auto repair industry.
Here's more about that report from the Auto Care Association:
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Here is a link to a recent webinar about phone/price shoppers. I really like this approach to handling the phone.
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I did like most of the webinar, I would say a good 80% of it was useful and techniques that work. The problem I have with it is the use of the fair pricing tool that repairpal provides. I understand it is a webinar sponsored by repairpal so it makes sense for them to plug a feature of their service. Repairpal puts us all in a box and using their fair pricing tool makes all of us play by their rules which I disagree with 100%. I just wanted to make mention of this since I do see there is value with this webinar but be careful of taking it at face value.
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I had a guy that was asking for a price quote. All the guys were busy, so I asked if the owner could call him back. He said "you've seen enough of these go thru the shop, just give me a ballpark figure, I won't hold you to it".
I told him my ball park figure will be a major league size ballpark, where the guys would be a smaller little league size ballpark figure.
He laughed and said give it to him anyway. I gave him the figure of between $100 and $10,000..... he laughed again and made the appointment.
Generally we give ballpark figures with the disclaimers.
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Over the phone quotes.
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I gotta give it to you PAPS! It put a smile on my face, some times you just gotta tell it like they want it. LOL!
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If the customer really persists and won't budge, I've found just simply asking the customer if they are absolutely 100% certain that the vehicle needs what they are asking for, and nothing else and nothing more. I always follow up with "but I'd really like to just take a look at it for free. I mean, what if it's just a $5 fuse!"
I feel most phone price shoppers just don't know what questions to ask, other than price. I ALWAYS make sure to mention our warranty, loaner cars, ASE certifications, digital multi-point inspections, online reviews, etc.
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