Pricing, Discounts, Labor Rate Latest Topics, Discounts, Labor Rate Latest TopicsenAre Your Using Multi Tier Labor Rates?

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20132Fri, 19 Apr 2024 10:45:36 +0000
Should Auto Repair Shops Consider Dynamic Pricing? Hotels and Airlines do it.

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20072Sat, 16 Mar 2024 11:16:34 +0000
Establish Labor Rates Per Job, Per Technician

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19956Wed, 10 Jan 2024 14:53:09 +0000
Finding obsolete Parts

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19917Wed, 20 Dec 2023 04:14:29 +0000
Ok, You Increased Your Labor Rate, What's Next?

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19275Sat, 14 Jan 2023 15:04:38 +0000
Labor Rates are going up! Finally!

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18184Sat, 31 Jul 2021 16:38:28 +0000
Conceding on Part Margins Means Your Need to Increase Labor

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19090Fri, 14 Oct 2022 15:32:12 +0000
How are Your Garage Prices Coping With these High Inflation Times. Firstly let me say that I an just a regular guy from the UK who is the owner of a seven bay service centre/garage. I am not a financial expert. The dreaded inflation is upon us again. For the guys as old as me then this is nothing new. Back in the 70,s we had 15% inflation, but we all got by and lived for better trading days. Here in the UK we have always looked up to the USA because of your business prowess. So what do you guys look out as your worst enemy!

When prices are going up then I find that the gap opens between rich and the poor's disposable income. So this question will effect garage owners in different areas. My garage is in a poor area with many immigrant families who drive cars. So this means we have to be more flexible with pricing. Finding out if your customer can afford that service ! For this reason we devised a three tier service pricing structure. This has also the effect of not loosing your profit margins. 

The lowest price should include an oil and filter change and a general vehicle check over. This way we find the customer will perhaps be able to afford a service and your profit margins wont drop. This is just one small idea that we carry out! What do you guys do in these times of high inflation ? 

19026Mon, 12 Sep 2022 05:57:40 +0000
Air Conditioning Repair Pricing

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16196Tue, 12 May 2020 20:38:06 +0000
How to calculate your Effective Labor Rate (ELR)

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18780Thu, 19 May 2022 18:08:51 +0000
How To Calculate Your Labor Rate Off Your Costs, Not The Competition

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18779Thu, 19 May 2022 17:33:46 +0000
Shop Labor Rate What's your houlr labor rate and where are you located? We're currently at $95 in Texas

13403Fri, 04 Aug 2017 14:07:44 +0000
Never Say "No" To A Job

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18637Fri, 18 Mar 2022 21:20:13 +0000
Quick Lube Price Increases We've been encouraging each other to raise prices to meet our business profit needs on the Labor Rate thread and I mentioned oil change pricing being more commoditized.   I was really afraid of changing my basic oil pricing.   Well, we made a big change yesterday and I'm nervously watching the reactions.

In my mind, when gas hits $3/gallon is the time to raise prices, which in Texas is a pretty recent event.   It happened, but there was little overall noise, so I sheepishly waited.   Thursday night I go to bed, thinking nothing of this.  Friday I wake up, watching the news and it dawned on me that the news cycle was all about inflation.  It was the RIGHT TIME to act!!!   (In truth, it likely was the wrong time because the right time was long ago, but I digress).    So, I did an area pricing survey and found that I was priced in the bottom 40% of the field.  I was actually late to act.   Starting on Saturday, we've raised our prices about 25%.    I know some of the other shops are also planning price increases, but we are now priced in the top 20% instead of the bottom 40%.

We've not had anyone walk out due to pricing.   We've had but 1 grumble so far.   We will get some pushback eventually, but I was really surprised that it was not immediate.  Shame on me for not acting sooner.

Now, back in August 2021, we did raise prices on our European Oils and received almost zero pushback.   But, this was expected.  They are thrilled to get such a bargain compared to the dealer.    In some instances, I'm actually higher than the dealer.  In most cases we are maybe 25-40% less.

I remain nervous because we might see silent pushback... that is, they pay this time, but seek someone else for next time.   I do believe that the rest of the market will be moving soon, so the search for yesterday's prices might be futile.

18559Sun, 13 Feb 2022 19:09:14 +0000
Are You Currently Looking to Hire a Technician?

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18595Wed, 02 Mar 2022 22:16:27 +0000
Used car lots Hi I own an auto repair shop in Arkansas. We do a lot of work for used car lots. I am just curious if anyone else does this as well what’s the average labor for them. Good and bad experiences? I have a total of 5 car lots we rotate on fixing for the week and it’s a never ending cycle of cars. Some lots beat us up on price while others do not any one have tips from experience?

18503Tue, 11 Jan 2022 00:23:11 +0000
Shop Labor Rate - Pre-1975 Cars @JerryK  Hi Jerry, in the Shop Labor Rate thread, you posted 3 labor rates, regular, euro and Pre-1975 cars.    I find it interesting that you've set your labor rate very high for these cars.   It either means that you don't want those, or it's more expensive to work on them, so you charge more, or it is a specialty skill set that you possess and thus it's a more valuable service, or you are building in an inherent storage fee due to the extended time it takes to get parts, etc or ?   I'm interested to understand your thinking regarding this particular rate.   Also, why is 1975 the cutoff date?

We've been working on a number of older cars, and I've taken the approach that it's a time and materials job.   If it takes me 3 hours to remove the stuck drums off of your old car, then your brake job will cost more.  If I above-normal spend time looking for parts, then this is billable time too.    We shouldn't absorb the added difficulty of rust, age, etc.   Maybe I'm approaching this incorrectly.   I took in a 1984 project car on Friday... non-standard engine, but newer, bubba's electrical wiring mess, etc, but overall in good shape.    We started with 5 hours of labor to assess and possibly fix.   It's partly a test to see if he's serious on fixing the car.  


P.S.  I live in Plano, but my shop is in McKinney.    In my previous life, I worked not far from your shop. 

18502Mon, 10 Jan 2022 23:37:49 +0000
Customer's buying their own parts guys. I'm new to the forum and was looking for this subject but couldn't find it. Sorry If I'm posted something that's already been discussed. I own a brake shop in Austin, TX. We do anywhere from 10-20 brake jobs a day. We only do brakes so I don't know how much full service auto shops deal with this problem but... Customers are constantly calling in claiming they've bought the best parts or they want to provide their own parts because they've done research and know what is best. This drives me crazy. First of all they don't know whats best. Then after being told no they get offended and act like tons of shops allow this. What is the best way to handle these customers? Just send them away? I'll quote them a price using our parts and they act as though its a rip off. What shops are doing this for their customers? I feel like I'm letting jobs get away from me. Any experience with this?

10269Mon, 02 Nov 2015 00:11:25 +0000
Your Price is too high! Or is it too low? I received an email today from a Consumer stating "Your price is too high, so hell with you sir!" in response a marketing email inviting him back for his next service.   My initial reaction was uh-oh, quickly followed by "Why am I not hearing more pricing complaints?".   This is quite interesting as we were in a discussion last week, talking about our prices being too low.   We are priced competitively in the market, but with a higher service level, likely, we should be able to earn more with a higher pricing.

I remember reading somewhere that if you don't have enough complaints of your price is too high, then you are priced too low.    There is a balance in pricing.   On one hand, we have price leaders nearby (, with prices so low that they would go broke quickly if they were honest) that will rob the price shoppers blind when they visit as well as other reputable shops with various pricing levels.   

I operate a combo lube and repair shop.     My repair labor rate is a premium to the area and we have talented technicians that rate this premium.    I'm at a small premium on the Lube, but believe it should be higher and .    

After having a chuckle on today's email, I figured it would make for a good conversation.   What is the right Price-is-too-high-complaint rate?  1% 5% 10%?     We might get a 0.5-0.3% abandon rate at the counter over pricing.  I'm sure that there is a silent minority that just doesn't come back, yet makes no noise.

18067Tue, 09 Mar 2021 01:00:33 +0000
More Car Counts? Or, focus on what counts, per car?

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17612Thu, 14 Jan 2021 13:42:41 +0000
Labor $$ - More Important than ever!

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16750Mon, 21 Sep 2020 00:08:54 +0000
Why Are Some Shops Afraid of Charging for Analysis?

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6258Wed, 14 Sep 2011 17:42:18 +0000
Are Part Margins getting too hard to achieve?

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15671Sun, 02 Feb 2020 17:36:02 +0000
Creating coupons/ Pictures What are you guys using to create coupons and deals for your shop ? Is there a software that can be bought to create automotive specific coupons ? Also looking to see how to make professional looking pictures with shop logo and what not on them. Thank you!

13766Tue, 30 Oct 2018 14:57:14 +0000
The $19.95 Oil Change Offer Yesterday, went for a drive through North Jersey, was very concerned to see that independent shops are putting permanent signs with the $19.95 oil change offers, the $59 A/C recharge, and the $5 dollar flat fix. This reeks of desperation, clearly the industry is coming due for a strong correction. At my shops this month we are starting to see price resistance from the lower income segment, we are having to exert price flexibility for price discovery which we are finding to be 10% to 20% from list pricing. The mid to upper segments are still going strong.

13352Thu, 15 Jun 2017 15:31:15 +0000
Price Negotiations After looking at the ICCU shop in Mumbai India, it made me wonder how the Indians deal with Indian negotiation tactics?  I need a good strategy.  My shop is among a large Indian population and it seems that they all want to negotiate pricing.  So much so that if one doesn't try to negotiate, it throws us off our game!   There are few ways to deal with this:  1) Stand firm, 2) Have a pre-made coupon that we can use to move the price a fixed amount, 3) Negotiate, 4) Prepare for the negotiation with inflated pricing, then negotiate and settle on a job price (that is often more than the non-negotiated price).  

We do #2 and #4 regularly, with a little #1 and no unprepared negotiations (#3).   When we are negotiating, it's always out on the shop floor so that it can be a private conversation.  They always seem to feel better when they "get a deal"!

Any better methods or practices?

13637Sun, 25 Mar 2018 02:03:08 +0000
<![CDATA[Dealing with family & friends?]]> has kind of been a hot topic here do you guys deal with family and friends? I am trying to run a business, as are the rest of you, how do you deal with people wanting "friend discounts" or family not paying their bills. It seems I try and separate business and personal relationships and in the process end up being the "bad guy". How do you deal with close friends as customers and try to give them a deal but not go out of business by them expecting it every time? Do you just not do business with family or friends?

9871Mon, 26 Jan 2015 22:03:12 +0000
Parts category pricing strategy?? OK. Not to start another parts markup thread but I would like to look at this from another angle. What percentages do you aim when marking up parts when you look at the part categories? 

Just an example below:

Brakes 70%

Struts 30%

Shocks 50%

Tires 15-30%

Maintenance, etc ,etc


The reason I ask is because even a standard parts pricing matrix can blow certain items out of reasonable sale price. I am aware that less expensive items can net larger profits, which also makes up for more expensive items but I am trying to see a base line of what parts markup looks like with these categories.


13477Wed, 27 Sep 2017 01:09:34 +0000
Charging for everything? I was wondering how many shops charge for everything that goes into a repair? For example, zip ties, dielectric grease, clamps, bulbs, fuses, heat shrink , butt connectors, etc. It seems to me some shops have a "shop supplies" charge and let it go at that. Other shops do a great job of getting everything on the invoice and then also have a "job supplies" ( not shop supplies, because it is for the job, not shop ) to cover consumables.  Of the shops that are getting everything on the invoice, what is your advice on making that happen? How do you do it?

12533Thu, 13 Apr 2017 20:01:05 +0000
Gross Profit Everywhere I look I see that I'm supposed to target 60% gross profit.  Am I supposed to include tires in this?  I have no problem getting 60% on repairs, but when I include my tire sales then it just tanks it.  About 15% of our sales is tires.  Is anyone getting 60% GP including tires?  If so, I need to make some adjustments.

13381Wed, 12 Jul 2017 01:51:25 +0000
hourly rate , not enough? We are in Miami and can't get a feel for the average hourly rate. Other shops either won't tell or aren't reputable. We are AAA approved and been here 23 years and charging $99.00 per hour and would like to raise it. Any thoughts on what's appropriate.

12939Fri, 12 May 2017 20:36:59 +0000
Parts markup? of the way I started my business, I have never really marked up my parts much, if at all. Right now I am just doing a flat 40% mark up (multiplying by 1.4). It used to be at 1.3 a few months ago. I blow everyone out the water with prices though.


Because of that, my margins are low- always hovering around 50%. I want to get it consistently 60% and higher.


I am thinking about implementing a parts matrix I saw on R+W. Using their numbers, I think my customers will have sticker shock! But I just changed my system over. Looks like they want me to mark up over 300% for lower cost items but for the most part marking up 225% range (multiply by 2.25). Huge difference. In the past, I've been careful to not charge more than what the auto part store charged in store retail.


Thoughts on parts markup? Should I continue with implementing the parts matrix?

11558Thu, 09 Feb 2017 05:03:35 +0000
Advertising Special Discounts- ie Military, Teacher, Police Hello all,


First off, love the new look of the website! Well done, I might have to hire the company that did it for our new website.

Just had a quick question if anyone here has any feedback for offering discounts for military, teacher, police, student, etc and if so, do you mind sharing? We have a university and hospital not too far from us and would like to recruit more customers and figured this might be a possibility. 


Thanks in advance for your thoughts and opinions.



12018Tue, 14 Mar 2017 00:49:39 +0000
Storage fees. a customer blow their engine on the interstate. Vehicle was towed to the shop. Customer stated that he blew the engine and he might be back to get it but he also said that it was in reposition and the lein holder might be back for it. That was on December the 8th. Lein holder now wants the vehicle, we told them $50 a day. They claim that we need to file that we had an abandoned vehicle on our lot. Their bill is $1050 for storage fees. They want to get the car and only pay $250. We claim that the vehicle was not abandoned, the owner was present at the time of drop off. Any help would be appreciated.

11234Wed, 28 Dec 2016 19:06:57 +0000
Cheap oil changes ( should I keep doing it ) shop was started in 1989 be my grandfather. His oil changes were $18.95 and I was that when he past away in 1999. I opened the shop back up April of 2000 and kept that price through the years all the way up to now. The shop has been known for the cheap oil changes. Should I keep offering them or bump the price up to like $24.95 or something different? It brings in cars that I can inspect and possibly get more work from but I just don't want to get the bottom feeders that won't spend any money on needed repairs.

10329Mon, 14 Dec 2015 03:17:13 +0000
The little things.. to all!


I am the owner in my auto repair shop and also the service writer as well. At times I feel guilty in a way charging for the small things such as labor to install air filters or cabin filters, or to install batteries or to not charge an inspection fee especially if the customer is a previous customer.


I know we must charge diagnostics fees and those sure to get charged as well, dont get me wrong.


To what exact are you guys charging for every little thing? I know it is our right to, but is there a line drawn?


Thanks in advance

10245Thu, 15 Oct 2015 02:49:04 +0000
Fall special that have done well with fall specials have you used and worked well for your shop? Detail what your specials consisted of and what you charged.

10291Tue, 17 Nov 2015 01:32:51 +0000
Labor Rates am a newbie here guys, I have a Tire and Repair Shop in the Panhandle of Florida. My father opened in 1961as a Tire, brake and alignment shop. We have adapted to the change of 1 stop shopping , Thanks to Sam Walton. Our labor pricing is going crazy down here it is skyrocketing for our area. I see a trend around our area that the independent will surpass the Auto dealerships in hourly rate. I have raised my rate to 100.00 hour and no one bats a eye. People in our area are just starving for honest businesses. I am fortunate, although we have worked very hard over the years. I am turning away customers almost seems I am picking and choosing who to work for. I have 10 stalls with 7 racks, 2 alignment . I am curious if other areas are seeing this trend, I am really considering putting in 2 or 3 locations to relieve my store. It is really crazy. I will tell you guys one thing I have done that has been a huge money maker for me, aluminum wheel repair , straighten, curb rash and painting. I start at 150 and go to 300, It generally takes me 15 to 3 minutes to straighten 1 wheel. I literally have 2 to 5 calls a day on it. I fix some curb rash with a small file and airbrush, I a paint allover body shop guys does them for 30.00 cash. I never take the tire of the wheel. Also most need a new tire with a bent wheel. I heat them and straighten them. I wish I would have done that 5 years ago. So Long, David

10160Fri, 14 Aug 2015 01:46:32 +0000
Parts markup do you guys do your parts markup?


Is it a matrix?


Is it suggested list from your supplier(s)?


Is there a certain % that you want on every part?




Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk

10249Tue, 20 Oct 2015 05:23:35 +0000
Price Sheets all,


Do you provide "Price sheets/menus" for customers? We are constantly providing pricing to customers, writing them down on tickets/business cards. We thought it would be a good idea to create some sort of price sheet with our most popular services- oil changes, fluid flushes, tire services, etc just as a reference for customers instead of taking the time to write out one by one. This would not include actual repairs such as tune ups, brakes, etc.



Any thoughts or additional ideas? We understand that pricing varies from vehicle to vehicle as well as fluid capacity and type, though we would make some kind of notation **.



Thanks in advance for your thoughts and opinions!

9781Sun, 07 Dec 2014 20:32:50 +0000
Cheap Oil Change Coupons Attracting Wrong Type of Customers? advertise in a number of different channels (Valpak, Radio, House Hold Savers Magazine, Internet, etc.) with coupons and specials we are running. For about 1 year we ran $19.99 Oil Change and $24.99 Oil Change Tire Rotation coupons. We saw increased car counts from these coupons but also noticed that we were getting customers that were not interested in hearing about anything wrong with their vehicle or preventative maintenance related. For the most part it seemed as though these types of customers were only interested in getting the "cheap" oil change and getting out as quickly as possible. For the last 2 months we have gotten rid of these types of coupons and added different coupons. We have noticed a drop in car counts related to this course of action. Just wondering how many of you all use these types of coupons and if you have any luck converting these customers?

9263Fri, 24 Jan 2014 22:46:25 +0000
<![CDATA[Transmission shop pricing & just general help]]> husband owns and operates a transmission shop. He is the only one there and we just aren't making it. I think that he doesn't charge enough for the jobs he does, but he thinks he plenty high on pricing. He puts in many more and parts then most shops would, and he return rate is almost none because of that. He is very knowledgeable and honest. I would love for him to be able to hire a couple employees so he isn't at work all the time. I would like to run the office, but my lack of knowledge on the automotive side of things makes it hard. I don't really know where to start to learn everything I need to know about pricing jobs and turning our business into a successful profitable place. PLEASE HELP!

9049Fri, 06 Sep 2013 04:40:53 +0000
Book explaining hours for job guys


I just opened a shop about 2 months ago. Business was really slow at first, but it's starting to pick up a bit.


My question is, what book or service are you guys using to quote hours on a job. We've been just taking a guess so far, but my mechanic wants to get this service that tells you what amount of hours a job takes, and it's like $500 a month. I just can't afford it right now, since we are not breaking even yet. Would love to know what you would suggest.

7633Thu, 09 Aug 2012 02:02:10 +0000
SHOP LABOR RATE have an actual "formula" for calculating accurate shop labor rate? I had help calculating mine "accurately" years ago, and now just adjust it accordingly (wing it) as situations change and as expenses come and go, but would like to start from scratch and see where I am. Thanks guys.


6826Thu, 26 Jan 2012 14:38:15 +0000
Marking up parts is the best way to mark up parts. When i worked for someone else i always went by the list price and cost price. But now that im on my own. I'm not sure what way to do it. So many people call autozone and advanced so i have to hear "they only charge me this price". I want to keep my customers happy but i need to make a living as well

6063Wed, 15 Jun 2011 15:34:04 +0000
Shop supplies,how much on what? can you recomend as far as shop suplies.What % and on labor or on total ticket ? I do try to charge for small things like hose clamps and fuses and 1 can of brake kleen w,/ a brake job right now I charge 6.2% of total ticket up to $29 but I m thinking about making that on labor only to be competive and may be fair what do you think?

5627Mon, 27 Dec 2010 13:29:11 +0000
Napa Tams list/mark up a few months ago I was having a problem with markup and list an matrix at my new shop.I am still having problems as far as setting up a matrix I can trust.I,m new all the customers are new I need to win them over before I can start to be concerned with the numbers a point.Now now I,m nusing tracs and I am a Napa Care center.Some one sugested that I have the Napa store adjust my Tams to 40 or 50% I,m not sure how this works and is it a good Ideal.I have a real problem making estmates fast ,sometimes most new customers will ask how much somthing will cost before dropping off I hate the live accsess feature in tracks to get the cost so I know how much to charge for the part.I,d love to just use the list that comes up on the first screen.I was wondering if setting the tams will get me close to want I want?

5483Sun, 07 Nov 2010 16:01:40 +0000
matrix help guys I know we have gone over this before but I'm still having a hard time.I have been open for 3 months now I;m in the middle of a small communty on the edge of a small city/town.I am a Napa Care Center,I use Tracs.I am a mechanic/tech by trade so this is new to me.I went to one of Chubby's seminars and agree I was not marking up enough and need to start thinking like a shop owner.I was bouncing around the 40% gross profit,I now try 50% for smaller parts.Chubbys matix seems too high for me only because all my costumers are first timers.Chubbys methods seems its more for established garages.I also think that Napa's prices on some things to me are high,And things like fluid ATF oil can,t be marked up 69% if your needing say 7 qt Dex Merc would be $18 a qt to the costomer if I bought from Napa....really? I need a matrix I can trust I,m adjusting prices on the fly I can't teach anybody how to do tickets like this.Please does anybody have a happy medeuim?

5426Tue, 19 Oct 2010 12:02:22 +0000
How do you figure hourly rates? am getting ready to move into a new building (larger and more overhead). I have been able to work the last few years out of my own garage which has kept my overhead costs way down but my business has become to big for one of my neighbors and someone called the county on me even though I have never had any complaints from the neighbors. Oh well.


Of course, with the bigger building comes bigger expenses and overhead. Can anyone give me some good ideas on how to properly set my prices to not kill myself financially.

5278Mon, 06 Sep 2010 12:11:53 +0000
You are higher that the dealer!

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4728Thu, 15 Apr 2010 12:47:24 +0000