Workflow, Procedures, Shop Forms Latest Topics, Procedures, Shop Forms Latest TopicsenWhy Do Service Advisors Struggle with Booking the Next Appointment?

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20019Wed, 14 Feb 2024 17:54:37 +0000
Is Selling Time on Testing/Analysis jobs Hurting Our Profits?

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20029Tue, 20 Feb 2024 15:20:46 +0000
Do Technicians give you pushback on performing the Multipoint Inspection?

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19935Thu, 28 Dec 2023 12:01:57 +0000
Low Technician Production May Not be the Tech's Fault

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19824Sun, 29 Oct 2023 23:27:40 +0000
Wait Customers Reduces Production

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19787Sat, 07 Oct 2023 12:44:20 +0000
Are You Giving Away Too Much with Free Multipoint Vehicle Inspections?

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19510Tue, 16 May 2023 10:28:48 +0000
Are you Open or Closed Saturdays? Who's Considering a 4- Day Work Week?

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19453Sun, 16 Apr 2023 17:04:44 +0000
Should the Service Advisor Start the Multipoint Process?

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19322Fri, 10 Feb 2023 15:45:15 +0000
DVI, A Tool. Not a Sales Person

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18822Sat, 11 Jun 2022 11:05:44 +0000
Pros and Cons of Digital Inspections

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18916Fri, 22 Jul 2022 14:54:34 +0000
Any Open Source Repair Software? hey all! I'm wondering if anyone knwos of any open source repair software? I'm a fan of wordpress as open source, gimp, open office so on I was hoping to find something to help manage a small shop with invoicing - similar to the big names but open source....anyone know of anything? 

18732Tue, 03 May 2022 20:22:04 +0000
Car cut off limit. How far do you go?, I was wondering if there was any other shops that have a cutoff limit to repairs they will do? I specialize in undercar, Tires both new and Used, Driveability....With that being said. Ive done two engines this month, Diagnosing transmission issues..I cant say no! How do you say no to work when they are loyal customers?

10524Thu, 26 May 2016 02:20:10 +0000
Shop Process' Samples Hello everyone, we are in the process of building out our shop process and workflows and I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to share some samples of ones they have already created. Also if anyone has any helpful tips or hints for what works and doesn't work would be great. I am a long time shop owner just finally getting to this aspect of the business but have trouble on exactly what should be written down and what is more 'on the job training'. Thanks everyone!

18498Sun, 09 Jan 2022 20:45:59 +0000
Integrating iPads usage for Techs We want to increase productivity and would like to use iPads for the Techs where they could use it to get info and pictures over to the service writer.And to be able to speak into the pad and eliminate typing would be a huge plus. We have Mitchell 1 does anyone know of a system that would work?

18089Tue, 30 Mar 2021 23:22:50 +0000
Autovitals vs. I know the digital inspections and tablets have been available for quite some time, but we are just now looking into implementing one in our shop. I've done demos with both autovitals and and while is significantly cheaper than autovitals, I was wondering if anyone has had experience with one over the other? I can't seem to find much feedback on or really how it will integrate with mitchell1 as our management software. Thank you in advance!

15681Thu, 06 Feb 2020 16:35:30 +0000
Creating the Right Environment for Shop Efficiency There are a lot of variables when we talk about shop efficiency. There is culture, environment, leadership and more. There is no single formula that can solve shop efficiency. But if there are the right guidelines, our panel today, certainly has the answers. A big thank you to Chris Monroe, Joe Marconi, and Kevin Vaught for sharing their expertise for you. So many small things done right makes for improved efficiency.

Chris Monroe is a coach who owns Monroe Tire & Service at Shelby, NC., Joe Marconi is a coach who also owns Osceola Garage at Baldwin Place, NY.,  and  Kevin Vaught is a former multi shop owner and is an Elite Worldwide Business Development Coach

The key talking points from this episode are already done for you on the show notes page at



17532Sat, 02 Jan 2021 16:10:22 +0000
Recognize Your Techs as True Heroes During COVID

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16514Sat, 25 Jul 2020 11:47:57 +0000
Use Checklists as a training tool

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15622Thu, 23 Jan 2020 12:09:01 +0000
<![CDATA[Shop Tools, Equipment Condition & Housekeeping]]> I don't spend a lot of time working in the shop on a day to day basis, but do have to do some after hours services or jump in to help. The shop has a few sets of tools that have been placed around in the shop so you don't need to go looking when you need common tools. Yesterday doing a couple simple tire changes & I needed a pair of pliers they station should have 2 they had none I asked a mechanic he went across the room to go get one pair. I then use the machine to breakdown the tire & it wouldn't bust the bead, so I went to the other machine & it was the same way so I went to do it the manual way. Put it on the rim clamp of the first & it wouldn't close, so I went back to the second & I had to clean & oil so it would clamp. I head to balance & had to move tires that will be installed or had been taken off but had life left so we hung on to.  So a 30 min job took 45 min. I asked come in this morning & before I could ask or say anything I see one of the tire guys doing a car tire by hand, I asked you always do it that way & he said yes neither machine is working. I said I found that out last night & have called the repair guy but how come nobody said anything, I got the I don't know answer.  So my question is how does everyone handle the putting tools back, checking machines & notifying of needed repairs & even sweep the floor. Do you have a person with a checklist go to each station every night, sweep the floors every night. Just seems like we have everyone working right up to quitting time or after hate to push more but our running after tools stepping over tires & machines not working correctly is costing us. Just getting ideas of what has worked for others. Thanks

14635Thu, 05 Sep 2019 17:45:48 +0000
Step 1 in increasing shop productivity

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13908Thu, 24 Jan 2019 11:52:09 +0000
Opinions on my work hours, everyone


I just opened an auto repair shop about 4 months ago, but I'm still working my full time job as a tech therefore I open the shop from 4 pm until 9pm M-F and 8-5 on Saturday. I'm starting to build customers but most are from referrals and neighbors I don't get much traffic cars. I'm starting to think that the hours I'm open don't really work for the auto repair business seems like after 6 everything dies. Has anyone worked this kind of hours or what do you guys think about this odd hours.

9243Sun, 12 Jan 2014 01:47:19 +0000
How Do You Keep Track Of Keys This may be an odd topic but with the right strategies you can help workflow and prevent lost or misplaced keys. one of the most annoying things, other than that misplaced 10mm socket, is when you misplace a key.

Customer hands you key > place tag on key> place invoice and key in hanging plastic order> place on workflow rack(or hand to technician)> tech pulls car in> I prefer if a car is in the bay to have the key on the seat with the window rolled down(to prevent lockout) or have the key in the hanging plastic invoice holder hanging on the mirror> Vehicle finished and key makes its way back to front office> then given to customer.

This seems like a logical workflow. However my concern is what do you do with keys when cars stay overnight?

If the vehicle is parked outside, Do you put them in a Safe/Lock box? Drawer?

If the vehicle is parked inside and is currently being worked on, do you leave the key in the car? hanging holder on the mirror? Safe/Lock box? 



13707Tue, 24 Jul 2018 03:44:59 +0000
Can a shop foreman help with Shop Production?

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13691Mon, 02 Jul 2018 18:21:41 +0000

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13607Wed, 14 Feb 2018 17:55:13 +0000
Has anyone tried using a Dry Eraser board as a large scheduler for the day? am debating on using something like this to schedule out my day. Looking into creating a customer dry eraser board with columns and such. Has anyone used such a tool in scheduling?

10031Sun, 10 May 2015 02:00:49 +0000
Time/Calendar Management Strategies for Staff How do you train your advisors and your technicians on time management?


We're a small shop (2 bays, 1 advisor, 1 tech and myself who doesn't wrench). I was asked today if we could call in an additional technician to help with the extra work tomorrow. I asked them how much work is on the schedule, they said hours of inspections and diags. I told them to inspect and diag everything in the morning and schedule out the repairs with the client from there. "Diag in the morning, repair in the afternoon" as I've heard it said and that always made sense to me. My little crew is willing to go the extra mile to get things done but don't seem to have the tools of time/scheduling management to do this as effectively as I'd like to see.

Is there a resource out there to help teach the fundamentals of scheduling? 


13420Tue, 15 Aug 2017 22:49:39 +0000
Courtesy Inspections So, I feel like most shops on this forum are performing some sort of multi-point inspection on just about every car that comes in. I know we do. I'm curious though what everyone's inspection consists of. Are you having techs pull every cabin filter and air filter? Test drive every vehicle? Are you pulling wheels to check and measure brakes? 

Also, are you paying your techs for these inspections on top of other services? If so, how much?

Here is a copy of one of our digital inspections if anyone is curious. 

Personally, I've struggled with checking cabin and air filters for 2 reasons. 1.) It is a bummer to pull out those filters, take pictures, make the recommendation, and the customer decline, just to turn around and put them back in. 2.) Some filters a real pain in the ass to check. I really struggle justifying pulling out a glove box assembly to find a clean cabin filter, or to find a dirty filter and the customer decline replacing it.

I've also struggled with with the following situation: We find a radiator leaking, build a quote, present to the customer, and they decline. I've toyed around with the idea of scrapping all component specific inspection points and simply informing the customer that we found a coolant leak on their vehicle and using that information to sell a '$49 cooling system inspection'... I haven't pulled the trigger on that yet.

It would be cool to see what kind of inspections you guys are doing on every vehicle and how you are handling different aspects of it. 

13395Wed, 26 Jul 2017 22:08:50 +0000
Multiple Service Advisors We are on the cusp of hiring our 2nd SA for our shop.  We have 4 tecs and 6 bays.  I'm struggling with how to split the workload between the two if they are both equally capable. Any input would be greatly appreciated.  

13389Tue, 18 Jul 2017 23:56:39 +0000
Inspection forms Where is the best source for inspection forms. Looking for some thing I can download and customize.


12765Mon, 01 May 2017 13:33:55 +0000
Do you guys honestly get good use your of your scheduler? a thought guys. I know I've seen shops where the operation runs amazingly efficient in terms of scheduling. The schedule is laid out where blocks of technician time is blocked off based on the in shop work as well as in coming appointments. Personally I have never gotten it to work well for me. We have a lot of inefficiencies with appointments mainly due to people breaking them. Customers generally do not respect appointments with auto shops as much as they do with doctors and dentists. I have tried every which way to make folks showing up for appointments as accurate as possible. The other problem is when vehicle inspections turn into big tickets with lots of hours. The third problem is blocking out time based on their efficiency %s but depending on the mix of work they might be extremely efficient or less efficient which will can throw a schedule into chaos.


How do you guys finding the use of a scheduler?

11586Fri, 10 Feb 2017 21:49:56 +0000
How to slow it down guys since I am on a posting roll, I need some feed back . Little history on my shop , opened by my father 1961, I started there in 1975 , great cliental . The problem I have got is I have out grown my shop. I have raised prices, culled some, turned it away, etc. I cannot get any relief. " I Hope this does not come back to haunt me" How can I slow it down a bit. Really would like some input. I do not want to be a jerk about it and ripping people off is not in my book. How is the best way to turn it down a notch. I am booking about 2 weeks out now. Input greatly appreciated.

10628Wed, 24 Aug 2016 04:18:46 +0000
Inspection on every vehicle that enters your shop? everyone. We do a through inspection on most vehicles that come in the shop. I'm thinking about changing to a shorter "safety inspection form" because the tec's take almost an hour to fully inspect the veh and I have to pay them the hour to do it. Just seems more time consuming than its worth. (We are in FL and do not have state ibspections) What are everyone's thoughts on this process? BTW we use all data and they don't have digital inspection capability yet so we fill it out by hand. I thought about hiring a shop helper to do inspections, oil changes, clean up shop, run errands. What are your thoughts? Thanks so much in advance. Looking forward to opinions 😊

10595Thu, 11 Aug 2016 03:42:15 +0000
Shop Sales Goal Setting am working on a white board for our shops goals for this coming June. This board will include monthly goals for sales, car count and average repair order amount.


As the owner I expect at least a 10% growth. My confusion is 10% over what? Last month or last June?


My shop seems to have a life of its own depending on the month. How about your shop?


10533Mon, 30 May 2016 17:48:34 +0000

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10525Thu, 26 May 2016 19:57:47 +0000
QuickBooks for a front end software anybody who runs a larger or larger volume shop used QuickBooks for your estimating software?


What were your pros and cons?


I'm interested in it because I think the contact management is actually better than Mitchell, alldata etc. And want to link it to "sugar".


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10474Mon, 11 Apr 2016 02:49:21 +0000
saying no to certain jobs any of you just say no to certain jobs that are a guaranteed nightmare? Maybe Ztec timing belts or F150 exhaust manifolds to give an example. I do but I feel bad. I've done manifolds on newer trucks, booster comes off to drill out the studs, engine jacked up to drill another one, its just something I don't have any interest in doing. I have the tools, experience, and skill to repair pretty much everything, but some jobs are just not worth it to me. I can't count how many times both arms are coated in grease up to my shoulders and after ten hours its not even close to being done. Why did I take this job?


I hate to be a gravy tech or a gravy shop but if I'm turning down 5 brake jobs to do one rusted manifold what did I accomplish? Man card credit? Ego boost? Pride? No thanks I'll pass.

10235Sat, 10 Oct 2015 12:45:54 +0000
Shop Efficiency? Help! everyone i have been going in this site for a while and this is the first time i start a topic.


So let me give you a little insight of what is happening at the shop. i have 3 techs, one service advisor (my self) one receptionist, and a shop foreman (my father). We average at 45-65 billed hours a week (5 days), at 65 billed hours we are going crazy like if we are bringing in 150 hours, at the end of the week i look at my hours and Im like WTF. i just ran around like crazy for this.. Im know we have a big efficiency problem but i don't see the issue. My question is how is everyone a tight ship? How long is it taking for people to get there parts? I know its different for every one but i looking for an average.


I hope i can figure this out..



10362Sun, 10 Jan 2016 03:48:25 +0000
Repair order rack source use a plastic folder that we keep the tech worksheet and keys in until the job is finished. Then the invoice is placed in the folder with keys so everything is together when the customer picks up their car. I want to install a repair order rack to place the folders in to free up some space on my counters and make them easier to find. The problem I'm having is that all the racks I find are not "thick enough" to hold the keys with the folder. Some companies offer a rack where one hangs the keys beside of the repair order. I would prefer to keep it all together, I guess I'm funny that way. Any suggestions on a potential source?

9930Tue, 10 Mar 2015 11:37:25 +0000
<![CDATA[Are you closing Christmas Eve & New Years Eve]]>

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9215Sun, 22 Dec 2013 15:35:54 +0000
Do you always get signed authorization for work to be performed? into an issue lately. Most of the work we do the customer drops off the car and we give them a call after. Generally we usually send them our findings via e-mail or text from our inspection report and then we discuss the recommended work. Customer authorizes over the phone, we do the work, they pick up. Done deal.


Normally we have no issues... normally I mean years I have never encountered a problem. Recently working with a knuckle head and he is claiming he didn't authorize some work to be done. He also never signed an estimate due to all correspondence through telephone. Also to keep in mind most of my tickets are $1000+ and I have not had any issues thus far. This is situation is causing me to rethink my procedures. Unfortunately having a customer authorize via signature can be difficult due to customers going to work, going away, living far enough distance from the shop etc. What have you done in your shop? Obviously there are state laws and such to consider as well...

10161Fri, 14 Aug 2015 18:20:09 +0000
Appointment Scheduling was hoping to get some feedback on what software others are using for appointment booking. We're still hand booking appointments with a paper and pen, but I'm slowly working on modernizing our procedures. I'm considering anything from outlook or Google calendar to automotive scheduling software with online booking capabilities.

We're fairly unique. We're a very small town power sports dealership which also does satellite sales and service for a nearby Kia dealership. We currently have one automotive and one small engine tech. Our DMS is power sports focused (DX1) and they don't currently have any scheduling software that integrates with their system. So I'm open to almost anything, but cost is a factor due to our size. If you have scheduling specific software that you use it would be great to hear what you use and what you think of it. Thanks.

9983Tue, 07 Apr 2015 18:31:24 +0000
workflow dead end have a good workflow management system, very efficient, but sometimes the world just doesn't want to play nice. Today I have a real problem. Six lifts, six cars taken apart in a major fashion waiting for parts. Parts that are 2-3 days out. The special order parts looked right when we started the jobs. Something as simple as a hub bearing, press the old one out, go to press the new one in and the hub is trashed. Oops. Ready. Set. Stop.


Maybe I should know better to have more than one Suzuki and 15 year old Benz in the shop at the same time. Its going to be an interesting week. I haven't had a shop completely full of immobilized oddballs in a while.

10283Wed, 11 Nov 2015 12:20:38 +0000
What tools manage the workflow in today's world? Candid Analysis of Today's Workflow Management Tools


Lets summarize the tools and processes available to the independent shop owner, service advisor and technician to manage workflow.

  1. the service advisor's ability to memorize what is going on
  2. the technician's ability to recall what the service advisor said 10 minutes ago or earlier
  3. the service advisor'a ability to decipher the tech's scribble
  4. The tech's ability to put clear explanations on a piece of paper (work order)
  5. the WIP screen in your point of sale software (POS)
  6. the printer printing work orders
  7. the paper rack holding printed paper sheets
  8. the bags keeping the key to the vehicle and the paperwork together
  9. the scheduler in your POS
  10. a white board or spreadsheet managing the vehicles going through the shop
  11. a time punching system or flag sheet

The sad part:

Not one of these 11 pieces can be skipped. Service advisors are super heros juggling 11 disjointed "management tools" at any time during the day.

How do they do this? Super hero ability, you knew it already.


Now the even sadder part:

In order for the service advisor to juggle all this successfully, they often skip or at least minimize the engagement with the motorist.

Lets repeat that with different words:"Service advisors skip advising service because they are too busy doing busy work because the tools available are inadequate."

Do you agree, or am I smoking something here?


Last but not least, the saddest part:

You as owner can't measure behavior today, only results from the POS reports.

What does that mean?

  • you don't know what tech is pencil whipping or over recommending
  • you don't know how many recs from the tech uncovered during the inspection make it to estimate (our research revealed 56% of all recommended actions from the tech are not sold. Fifty-six. Do you smell opportunity here as well?)
  • you don't know why the vehicles are in the shop for way too long. Is it the waiting for parts or the service advisor or the dog ate the home work?
  • you don't know why the tech efficiency of tech A is at 95% but of tech B at 53%
  • you can't change behavior if you can't measure it


How to we turn 11 disjointed tools into 3 integrated ones?


You add a tablet(1) to the techs toolbox, replace the paper rack with a second screen(2) and download SmartFlow(3) to the tablet from the App Store or Google Play and add it to the browser bookmarks on the second screen.


Then get rid of

  • paper
  • time punching system
  • laptops in the back shop
  • paper rack
  • running back and forth (you might have to buy the service advisor a gym membership)
  • white board
  • spreadsheets
  • bags
  • flustered service advisors



Now your service advisor counter might look like this post-2281-0-40686400-1442779200_thumb.jpg

The photo credit goes to Matt Purselle, he turned a typical two screen setup into a four screen setup. One screen for the POS, one for SmartFlow, one for email, one for everything else. Two are enough for the beginning, some of our clients use only one and it works too, thanks to built-in alerts.

Matt's counter looks like this seen with the eyes of the service advisor(s).post-2281-0-58685000-1442779215_thumb.jpg


How do the techs know what is going on? they clock in on the tablet, EVERYTHING is on the tablet now, Identifix, Alldata or Mitchell, work order, inspection sheet, any info they need. They stay at the vehicle and smart-chat with the service advisor and get alerted about new info and new assignments for them.


Have you introduced a daily huddle with the techs? Great, do it like Matt and use a 55 inch screen with touch overlay to manage the day. post-2281-0-23165900-1442779338_thumb.jpg


How does that sound to you?


Service Advisors are freed up, and can focus on the customer. All recommended actions by the tech are on the estimate now. You can measure and correct tech and service advisor behavior. Pencil whipping, over recommedning, time on the vehicle, tech efficiency and productivity, shop proficiency, anything you want really, since you are digital now.


One of our franchise clients just send this over to me post-2281-0-58071900-1442781373_thumb.jpg


Sound to good to be true?




Ask SmartFlow users in your area or us.



10213Sun, 20 Sep 2015 20:39:17 +0000
What to do when you can't fix a vehicle took in a 2000 Ford E-250 that had been to 2 other shops before me. I then called in an auto electrician specialist to tell me what was wrong with it. He said it needs a new engine so I put a crate motor in it. Although it now has power it still has a miss that no one can find. The specialist says there is nothing else that he can test it for or any one else. His advice is to drive it and see if the motor is tight and things will improve with time and if not, all that can be done is to start throwing parts at it.


If I were to take it to the dealer how should I go about this? Take it in as a shop or just an individual? Is there a chance they would give me a max that it would cost me or do they just want a blank check?

10101Tue, 07 Jul 2015 23:20:22 +0000
Surveys if anyone does follow up surveys? Do you send them out yourself, is their certain criteria a customer has to meet to get a survey, do you mail them, do you email them, etc? How long do you wait to send one out? Do you use a third party company?

9856Mon, 19 Jan 2015 01:36:49 +0000
Let's Stop Compromising with Extended Warranty Companies

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10098Sat, 04 Jul 2015 18:18:43 +0000
Anyone using MOTOSHOP Technology Tools, by Advance Auto

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9692Thu, 23 Oct 2014 11:45:12 +0000
Emergency response plan shop about 50 miles from us had a pretty serious accident today (from what I've heard ).

Luckily it looks like there were no serious injuries but it made me curious about emergency preparedness - how do you guys handle it? Only three of us in our shop so we're always in communication anyway with plenty of exit paths. How does something like this play out insurance wise?



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9893Thu, 12 Feb 2015 01:49:40 +0000
Holiday Schedule? Close or open?

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9806Sat, 20 Dec 2014 13:06:50 +0000
When to expand've got an opportunity to expand, in a big way. The expansion would require a somewhat significant investment in equipment, and monthly rent. That being said we're maxed out at our current location, with 2 week wait in some cases. This would allow us to have 10+ vehicles inside at any given time.

Any advice? The opportunity was dropped in my lap out of no where. The building owner is a family friend, which scares me a bit.

The building is on a major highway, lots of traffic, and no other shop for 5 miles in any direction. Another plus is the location is very close to our current location. I'd be concerned he'd market it to another shop which could possibly impact our walk in sales. Our profit numbers are the best they've ever been, and we're finding production (revenue) to be limited by shop size. When big jobs come in it literally can bring our shop to a halt.

I'd rather not make a rash decision or a decision I won't be able to pay for, so I'll be taking a hard look at the numbers prior to making a decision as well.

Just curious if you guys had a guideline for expansion.


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9747Sat, 15 Nov 2014 21:04:49 +0000