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In this podcast episode, Chris Cotton from Auto Fix Auto Shop Coaching addresses the negative impact of phone trees on customer service in auto repair shops. He emphasizes the importance of the human touch and shares his frustration with complex phone systems that deter customers. Chris offers practical advice for revamping phone systems, such as auditing current setups, matching staffing to call volume, and soliciting customer feedback. He advocates for a balance between technology and personal interaction, stressing that each call is an opportunity to showcase excellent service and stand out from competitors. Chris concludes by inviting listeners to contribute to the conversation on maintaining a personal touch in customer service.
The importance of human touch in customer service (00:01:05) Chris discusses the negative impact of phone trees on customer service and the need for a human touch.
The drawbacks of using phone trees (00:02:07) Chris explains how phone trees can frustrate customers and lead to missed opportunities.
The value of personal interaction in customer service (00:05:21) Chris emphasizes the importance of human connection and empathy in the customer service experience.
Balancing automation and human interaction (00:07:31) Chris discusses the need to strike a balance between technology and human interaction in the auto repair business.
Practical tips for revamping phone systems (00:09:33) Chris provides practical suggestions for improving phone systems to better serve customers and enhance the overall customer service experience.
Connect with Chris:
[email protected]
Phone: 940.400.1008
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Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
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Two weeks in a row of an increase. Went from 41% for about 4 weeks, to 57% last week, to 63% this week of normal. Regular street traffic is up. I found myself being frustrated having to share the road with other commuters, but then realized that it was actually a good thing.
I listened to the DFW Radio show, Wheels, and all of the car dealers on today's show were reporting increases in traffic. Mind you, many of these same dealers laid off many technicians. Here it seems that car sales have been doing ok for being down (they do state numbers sold on this show). However, they were noting that the used car market was upside down due to a weak auction scene, so some mentioned that they were sitting on trade-ins waiting for a chance to unload them. Of course, couple this with Texas starting a limited restart yesterday. Dallas car dealers are by appointment only and in our county, they were not required to shut down.
We do have 1 nail salon in Dallas open defying Dallas' shutdown order. We do have one suburb city, Colleyville, that opened restaurants with social distancing (this city is in compliance).
On a brighter note, I had one lady spend her $1200 stimulus check and a bit more on a long-overdue timing belt and repairs. We were appreciative of being stimulated.
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Joe Marconi
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